Prior to the pandemic, on a trip to Havana, Cuba, Eva Blue was traveling the city on a local visit which included documenting street art, in particular, Mr MYL's. On the last day of her voyage she discovered the multidimensionality of the person behind Mr MYL. She left him with all her fine art supplies.
During the pandemic, Eva received a message from MYL. Her supplies had an impact. Cuba, already having limited supplies, suffered much more during the harsh lockdown. Mr MYL being forced to limit outdoor activity, explored more of his fine art side incorporating his signature street style with more traditional art materials in his studio.
All of which brings us to what is considered post-pandemic. Eva Blue returns to Havana with a mission to arm Mr MYL with art supplies and in hopes of finding rest and inspiration for herself. On this voyage, the two artists find inspiration, friendship, embark on artistic expeditions and discover new motivations.
Mr MYL is an international artist based in Havana, Cuba. He's known for his giant murals and graffiti as seen throughout Cuba as well as in France and Colombia.
This lightpainting night series was created after scouting multiple locations in Havana, Cuba spanning weeks of exploration over 2 trips over 2 months. Each artist creating their own signature visual creations using various lighting tools such as LED whips and multicoloured light wands.
The King illustrates best the full collaborative nature of the two artists and their styles. Eva Blue's portrait style makes Mr MYL the protagonist meshes with Mr MYL's ephemeral character light painting.
The King illustrates best the full collaborative nature of the two artists and their styles. Eva Blue's portrait style makes Mr MYL the protagonist meshes with Mr MYL's ephemeral character light painting.






48 x 32 in / 122.9 x 81.3 cm - Series of 5
24 x 16 in / 91 x 40.6 cm - Series of 10
24 x 48 in / 91 x 122.9 cm Series of 5
12 x 24 in / 30.5 x 91 cm - Series of !0
24 x 16 in / 91 x 40.6 cm - Series of 10
24 x 48 in / 91 x 122.9 cm Series of 5
12 x 24 in / 30.5 x 91 cm - Series of !0